Mozaik Islam
Menjaga Akidah Islam dan Menghargai Kebhinekaan demi Masyarakat yang Harmonis dan Sejahtera dalam Bingkai NKRIScience of Hadeeth
This Dhikr is Superior to The Dhikr of Night and Day
It was narrated that Abu Umaamah (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam me moving my lips and he said to me: “What are you saying, O Abu Umaamah?” I said: I am remembering Allah, O Messenger of Allah. He said: “Shall I not tell you of something better or greater than your dhikr of night and day or of day and night? You should say: Subhaan Allah ‘adad ma khalaqa, subhaan Allah mil’a ma khalaqa, subhaan Allah ‘adad ma fi’l-ard wa’l-sama’, subhaan Allah mil’a ma fi’l-sama’i wa’l-ard, subhaan Allah mil’a ma khalaqa, subhaan Allah ‘adad ma ahsa kitaabuhu, subhaan Allah mil’a kulli shay’in (Glory be to Allah the number of what He has created, glory be to Allah filling what He has created, glory be to Allah the number of what is in earth and heaven, glory be to Allah filling what is in heaven and earth, glory be to Allah filling what He has created, glory be to Allah the number of what is written in His book, glory be to Allah filling all things); and say Al-hamdu Lillah likewise.” Readmore